Let's do some free cutting of GIFs today! They can be put in graphics any way so that it won't take all the spaces the graphic needs. 

Step 1.
First off, place your desired gif in the right place you want. It may cover some important bits of your graphic, but you may trim it as how you see fit. Select all the frames if possible so that all frames have the same changes made from the layers on the right. Ignore the red cross as I need to disable the vector mask to let you see what was before the cutting. 

Step 2.
Select the 'pen tool' from the sidebar and select 'freeform pen tool'. That way you can adjust according to the shape that you want freely. 

Step 3.
Draw a shape on the gif as how you want, then at the toolbar above select 'mask' or 'selection...'. You may find the result as follows.

Step 4. 
Now you may add a 'layer mask' to the GIF group if you find any parts you want to edit and make it smoother at the sides so that the graphic parts around the GIF does not cover it. You can also adjust the layer order of your GIF so that it can be covered or not be by other graphics parts around it.

Aaaand you're done!! You may add more gifs but keep in mind that the frames may not be the same size, and the graphic size may increase (kB/GB wise) which may result in an overall worse quality graphic (eg. image dithered).

Have fun and enjoy your gif editing!
"Let all things be done decently and in order."
- 1 Corinthians 14:40 (KJV)

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